Rings of Enchantment
Rings of Enchantment is the sequel to Ninelands in the exciting new children’s fantasy series Jamie Collins’ Mystical Adventures. Details here: https://jamiecollinsmysticaladventures.com
Available Now online at Amazon.ca, Amazon.com , Barnes and Noble, and Kindle.
A New Look
In April 2016, Ninelands was revised with a new cover. Take a look at https://https://jamiecollinsmysticaladventures.com
Available Now at Amazon.ca, Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and on Kindle.
Ninelands, the first book in the childrens’ fantasy series Jamie Collins’ Mystical Adventureswas published April 15, 2015. Details at https://https://jamiecollinsmysticaladventures.com
Available Now at Amazon.ca, Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and on Kindle.